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Sunday, June 12, 2011


I'm not sure if it is just a "woman" thing, but the sound of a voice can be either attractive or repellent. There have been people who I just can't listen to, even though I enjoy their messages, because of the sound of their voices. When someone calls who I haven't met there is only a split second or two that I can determine a fondness for or an irritation for wasting my time; and it all stems from a tone and sound of voice.

Sarah, unfortunately, has an uneven high and low tone and is hard to follow. It's not only the repetitiveness of some of her "folksy" phrases, it is just the sound of  her voice. I'm not sure how you can change it, but there must be voice coaches out there that could help her even out her speech. I think it would be a great help to her politically.

Michele has an easier "listening to" voice but sometimes just says some pretty far out things. She can get a little whiny, but for the most part really does quite well. She needs to stay away from the Washington-type speak such as talking a lot without saying anything.

They could both be helped by listening to Hilary Clinton. Even though I disagree with her politically, she has a good voice and tone of speech. For a woman politician she sounds authoritative and when she is done speaking I know what she has said and usually her intent. She, I think instinctively, knows how to speak effectively and was blessed with a "politician-type" voice, i.e. more manly. 

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