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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dogs and Kids

Funny how dogs and kids can be so alike. They both get jealous when you're playing with someone else. They both like treats, being touched, taking walks, being told that they are "so special" or "so cute", the best seat in the house, rides in the truck and playing with toys. They are always so quick to forgive and  forget and get back to game-playing. They don't ever try to hide their feelings or be someone they're not. Honesty is all they know. If you really want an honest answer, ask a child. Thank God for kids and dogs. Help us all to learn as much as possible from them

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Healthcare, Gun Control, Prices Rising.... much going on right now; and tax season is starting. The holidays are truly over and it's back to work time! I pray that our leaders have Godly wisdom and will make the right decisions for our country. I pray that we can get back to a strong economy because that is as important as a strong defense. I pray that Congress today can come up with common sense solutions and cut out the waste and corrupt programs and policies that are hurting us. I pray that the good of the people, the true and honest well-being of the citizens of the United States, is actually served today. You would think that would be something we could take for granted, but we know better. So I pray, as do so many. Lord, bless this country, for your Glory and the good of ALL!  --Amen
P.S. Protect us from all the liberal PC nonsense, gun control, environmentalist, socialist/communist, terrorist-loving, freedom-taking, West-haters.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Nice clean snow!

Today we had a small layer of fresh clean snow on the ground and the air was crisp and still. Just kind of nice day for a winter day with the sun shining bright and clear blue sky. 

We have a fairly new grocery store in St. Cloud and I'm finally finding out where things are there and what to expect. The prices are good; so good, in fact it is almost fun to shop there. It's nice to leave a grocery store without the "I got ripped off again" feeling for a change. 

January is just flying!!! Seems like the older you get the faster time flies. Good and bad; bitter sweet I guess. I want to be closer to heaven, but I'm just starting to learn how to live here! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Well, I watched Glenn Beck today and he always gives me something to think about. He had two guys on who were saying how the U.S. is falling behind in everything and we are pretty much owned by China. The one guy was a billionaire and he now lives in Singapore. We don't produce anything here anymore and our children are not doing well educationally anymore. Not good news in any area. We use to be number one in just about everything. Not anymore and we need to wake up.

China buys more cars, oil and exports more than us. The only thing we have going is innovation and entrapenurship. The answer is EDUCATION for  our children and grandchildren and inspiration and/or innovation for everyone else. I pray that my grandchildren will receive the best education. The problem right now is that the public schools are substandard and are more  focused on teaching self-esteem and enviromental nonsense than acedemics. 

Maybe we need to find a way to start a business or system to teach children more effectively. I believe that we are all capable of anything if we want it bad enough, and that includes learning. As was stated by one of the men, hunger is the best motivator, and if we get hungry enough, and desparate enough, we can and will, I believe, find a way to survive and even conquer! 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Stirring up the hive....

Here is some "opinions" on the letter I wrote in the St. Cloud Times:

Monday, January 10, 2011

News or gossip?

Hello world!  The weekend is over and it's back to Monday. It's overcast with a fine bit of snow falling. It is so small it is hard to tell if it is really snowing. Just enough to make the roads a little bit slick.

Any way....the news of Rep. Gifford is going ballistic now and I have to turn all the news off. We have her and all those affected in our prayers. I'm not sure what can be done about this, but of course the media is into the blame game full bore and missing the point. There are a lot of mentally disturbed people who need help and what the answer to that is, I'm not sure. Well, I'm sure it is NOT another government program or council, or committee or any of the useless, money wasting solutions Washington comes up with to make themselves "feel good" or feel important.  The answer also is NOT to censure free speech. Maybe the answer is to quit screaming and start listening.  Yup, I like that.  I will have to work on that myself!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Slow Down & Dig In

Whew!! We survived the holidays! Again. I actually enjoyed them and without gaining weight. Now that is quite an accomplishment for me. Now it's out with the old and in with the new.

I love new things and new challenges. Sometimes I think I have too many things that interest me; reading and books, knitting, crocheting, glass and mosaics, politics, beading, woodworking, art, current events and on and on.  I look forward to learning more about all these things this upcoming year. Even if I am getting older, I don't feel old and I guess it is true that youth is wasted on the young. So much to learn, so little time! If we stop learning we stop living and I love living.

 Winter in Minnesota can be depressing but I am determined not to let that happen this year! There are ways to prevent it and I WILL find them, and do them. January is when we have to "dig in" and take it on....winter is here to stay, for at least another 2-3 months. Deal with it!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2010: Year of Stealth

Sadly, I think 2010 will be remembered as the year of stealth.

The 111th congress, the administration, the ruling class, the jihadists are all undermining our society. We the people, we don't need to know what is in a bill before it is passed in congress. We the people, we don't need to have our privacy protected. We the people, we don't need to own our own land. We the people, we don't need great schools that teach actual academic subjects. We the people don't need our products safe. We the people don't need to have our highways drivable. We don't need to know about doctors advising our parents on ending their lives. We don't need to know if our minor daughters want an abortion.We don't need to know that women are treated as property and only as 1/2 of a man in muslim countries. We don't need to know that the Qu'ran preaches to "kill the infidel" (anyone who is not a muslim). We don't need to know that stoning and chopping off of limbs is still done daily in Islamist countries. We don't need to know that the U.S. has a deficit of $7.5 trillion and counting. We the people don't need to drill for oil on our own land; we're too stupid to do it right. We are just plain too stupid to know how to do anything. Thank the Lord we have a wonderful ruling class of leftist, elitist Ivy league, power-grabbing, money-loving, holier-than-thou, nose-in-the-air Washington beltway people to show us the way!