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Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year.

Happy new year! 

Thank the Lord for His great kindness for another day, another year, another morning!

How blessed are we who have the gift of life to love and share. I pray that I can be a blessing to someone this day. I pray that my friends and family stay safe and find joy this day. Help us, Father, to be open to your peace and joy.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Where Are the Feminists?  

I just viewed this video of a women in Sudan being whipped by policemen for some unknown crime under Sharia Law. This is Islam today and shows how muslims treat women and we ignore it and hear nothing about it. So much for feminism and equal rights.  It disgusts me that we have to uphold the barbarism of abortion in the U.S. in the name of "women's rights" and yet look the other way and not even acknowledge the daily female abuse in Muslim countries. Not to mention genital mutilation and allowing marriage to girls as young as 9. Why aren't we speaking up for them? Well, I think we have to stand up and say this is not acceptable. No civilized society can be allowed to treat any of its people like this. And yet I've seen articles condoning Sharia Law here in the U.S. What is wrong with those who could even suggest this?

Monday, December 27, 2010

Back to Normal?

Monday. Time to get back into the normal routine.

Blizzard hits the east coast and airlines shut down.  Maybe this will give people some extra time to wind down and appreciate the time off. To remember how good we have it and to give thanks and be good to each other.

More leftovers to eat today. Will call in reinforcements.....Nate!! He can always be counted on to help.

It is amazing the difference a phone call can make. I love today!

Friday, December 24, 2010


We have been given peace. We have been given the gift of eternal life. We have been given the invitation to a relationship with the Holy One. I pray that everyone will accept this while there is time. What a wonderful maker, what a wonderful God! Jesus, I praise YOU!!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

The day before the day before Christmas eve

So the news is again worrisome; so I have my work cut out for me not to get down. The START treaty, North Korea wants to nuke us, Rome embassy attacked, our Home Land Security people don't know how many days in a year or that 12 terrorists were found in London...and so it goes. 

But the grandkids  are all healthy and looking forward to Christmas. We have a pretty nice layer of snow for sledding and fun, the food is bought and ready. Why worry? God is good and still in control.

I'm new at the blogging so it will be interesting and fun. Who possibly has time to read the  blogs of so many people? I certainly don't, but I guess it is somewhat therapeutic to put some thoughts on "paper" and let it all out. Even if it is only to help organize our thoughts, which God know I need to work on.  Organization is not my thing. 

The thought keeps coming to me that maybe I should give up the TV, radio and news for awhile. It really is stressful and really, what can we do to prevent the corruption of our world? PRAY, PRAY, PRAY...that is what I'm hearing. OK, so I will try to pray more and keep good thoughts.